
Saturday, March 7, 2015

I smell like poop.

I didn't take a picture for this post, but you will thank me for that.  I spent 20 minutes trying to get Leo to go get me a diaper so that I could change him this evening.  He smelled so bad.  I knew he had a nasty poopy diaper.  He kept insisting that he didn't and when he went to play in the basement, the smell lingered.  I finally realized it was coming from a cute little guy crawling around and fussing at me like something was bothering him.  Well, it was bothering him. It was a big boy stink coming from little guy.  Anyway, still underestimating the size of what that little guy could put out, I plopped Max up on the couch to change his diaper.  Uh, oops.....Max gave me good reason to use a changing table tonight as his little boy diaper did not contain that big boy poop and my couch cushion was forced to catch what was pushed out.  Ugh - I should know better, right?  I mean, I have 5 kids.  Well, it doesn't matter if I should have known better, I had a stinky mess to clean up.  I think I did a pretty good job (but if you are ever visiting, don't flip the couch cushions).  Even though I washed Max, I washed my hands, and I washed the couch, I still smell it.....hours's on me somewhere and I can't find it.  Guess I get a shower and outfit change now and I'm pretty sure I saw a new look of pride on Max's face tonight.


I wish I would have taken some cute pictures of the last couple of days, but I didn't.  :-(  The weather has finally warmed up enough to get outdoors.  Earlier this month our family caught such a huge case of cabin fever that I swore if the temperature hit 40 or higher I would take my kids on a fitness walk and also to a "local" park for an hour or more everyday.  I put local in quotes, because I am willing to drive up to 30 miles away if we can schedule a play date with friends.  I haven't been ultra physical during these outings, just pushing the kids on swings and a merry-go-round.  I do hurt in my arms and back tonight though.  I guess pushing the kids is no P90x, but it is still doing something for me.  For the most part, these outings have also calmed my children that fight their ADHD and have given my daughter and me a lot of good outdoor moments to discuss as we think about our history reading which is about Native American tribes right now.  I think the exercise may have been needed to work off the Native American fry bread recipe we made today.  The recipe was in the book.  We had to try it, didn't we?

Product Review - Juicer

I'm really into juicing.  I tried a juice fast after watching Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross on Amazon Prime.  Even though the first couple of days were really hard, I loved the energy that drinking a ton of fruit and vegetables gave me.  You can read about my first week in my blog post, "Week 1 Of The Juice Fast".  I didn't have a juicer when I did my fast and I didn't have money to buy a juicer.  Plus, I didn't want to spend money on a juicer when I wasn't sure I would like juicing.  The way I made my juice was to blend everything really well in my Vitamix blender with a cup or so of water and then to strain the results through a strainer for hours until it stopped dripping.  If I needed the juice right away, I would put the results into a new knee-hi tight and squeeze the juice out of it for about 15 minutes.  These methods served my purposes, but I lost a lot of good juice as they were not very effective and they were really time consuming.  They were a total pain.  I started yearning for a juicer, but still couldn't pay for one.  Luckily, a friend from church found out about my diet and happened to have a Huron Juicer she let me borrow.  I was really grateful, because I had been researching juicers and was overwhelmed.  I had no idea what brand of juicer to buy when I eventually got the money.  They are expensive and I didn't want to get a lousy one.  Well, I loved using her juicer!  Even though there may be better juicers out there (or maybe not, I don't know), I decided to buy the exact same juicer.  I am thrilled with it!  It does have to be hand washed, but if I do it right away, doesn't take up that much time.  It also does let some small pieces of spinach and pulp through so I do strain it before drinking it, but the straining process takes only a few minutes compared to the several hours I had to do when I was just using my blender.  I love my juicer!  I would definitely buy it again and I do recommend it.  It is well worth the money and does a great job.