
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Exercising the (demons) Wiggles

We are in love with Achilles!  Even Max is getting kisses (or Achilles likes the taste of baby snot.  If so, he should be in heaven because it is pouring out of Max's nose like the chocolate in one of those fancy party fountains......I have a story about one of those too - another time)

I was educating myself on husky dog ownership on youtube (and getting sidetracked by videos of people popping gross zits and finding bot flies in their head) and there were several videos of huskies getting bored and eating their owners' couches.  All the videos highly recommended walking and walking and walking huskies - for the safety of furniture everywhere.  They also recommended brushing your dog.  One owner brushed out so much hair that he could me a dog hair angel (like a snow angel) in it afterward.  After seeing this guy brush that much hair off of his dog in his kitchen, I decided to do daily brushing outside after the walks.  I don't really want that much hair in my kitchen.
So, even though it was bitterly cold today, we walked.  This guy has a lot of pulling power and the 2 miles I walk don't make a dent in his energy levels.  I think I need to attach a sled to him and have him pull the kids around.  Seriously - I will be looking into this.

 After contemplating the inversely proportional relationship with husky walking to house destroying, I realized the same relationship exists between Leo walking and mommy destroying.  So I walked my Leo too.  It occurred to me on this walk that Leo doesn't have ADHD.  Leo is just a husky.  But - less brushing, more wiping.

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