
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Blog Name and our Favorite Games

Our blog is named, "Why is it wet?", but only because "What did I just step in?" was already taken.  These are the two names of our family's most played surprise games around the house.  In fact, I bet either Fred or myself gets to play one of these two games at least once a week.  It used to result in the other spouse running to the playing spouse's rescue and both of us would work to solve the mystery.  Now it happens so often, if one of us finds ourselves as unwitting participants in this game, the other just laughs and hums the theme song we have made up for this game while saying, "It's time to play What Did I Just Step In?!" in our best announcer's voice.  Yes, we actually have a theme song for it.  No, we don't feel sorry for each other anymore.  We are just happy to not be the participant.  No one wants the prize - an all expenses paid trip to cleaning up a mysterious substance.  I wish I could tell you what we step in.  There was a mashed banana in the boys room once.  That was slimy and cold, but most of the times it is slimy and cold.  The baby leaves us spit up puddles quite a bit.  We also play, "Why is it Wet?!" on other surfaces such as tabletops, couches, and seats in the car.  Most of the time, the mystery substance goes unidentified.  We have no idea what is going on.  Maybe we are just getting slimed by a poltergeist and we just need to call in some ghostbusters.  While these two games are annoying, neither compare to the other game we play, but not as often - "Is is chocolate or poop?"  aka "You taste it!"

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