
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Spider Venom and Secret Agent Cars

So.....Tripp has been into our hall closet this morning.  He "loaded" his toy shotgun with the rest of the baby powder so it will smoke.  As I was cleaning that mess up, I see him run by with a latex glove.  Playing doctor at a new level?  Get ready for your rectal exams brothers!  No, it is more likely that he is going to fill it with water in the bathroom sink as he has done countless other times (whenever the gloves fall of the top shelf and he can reach them).  So, I go screaming to the bathroom, which now has the door locked and Tripp is yelling, "I need privacy to use the bathroom."  Yeah - right.  So I get him to open the door and I rescue the glove from the sink.  I go on and on telling him that he is not to touch the gloves.  Daddy likes to use them when he is cooking and they cost big money and he is not allowed to used them unless he is de-boning a chicken.  His response?  "Or if there is spider venom."  What the?!?!?  How can I argue with that?  Obviously if we run into a giant spider in the basement and it is spitting venom, we will be allowed to use the gloves.  Mental reminder - maybe have Tripp take a break from watching Eight Legged Freaks.  Then in the next breath he says, "Wouldn't it be great to have a secret agent car?"  Again - I'm not going to argue that.  I think I would like a secret agent car.  Maybe with its own glove dispenser.

*Side note:  The gloves are not diamond studded and cost "big money".  We actually spend very little on gloves, but I always tell the kids that they are wasting my money.  I'm not sure why.  Kind of a parenting remark I got from my parents I guess.  Like, "don't make me turn this car around!" or "I'm going to spank you until your butt bleeds!"  My dad never did spank me until my butt bled, but more on that later.......

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